Earnings Quality and Resilience of Brazilian Financial Institutions: An Analysis of the Basel Index
Financial Institutions, Basel Index, Earnings Quality, Earnings ManagementAbstract
Objective: Analyze the relationship between the Basel index and the earnings quality reported by entities in the Brazilian financial sector.
Method: Half-yearly data published on the Central Bank of Brazil (BACEN) website, from 105 financial institutions, from 2010 to 2018 were examined, totaling 1,889 observations. The earnings management used the account Loan Loss Provisions (LLP) to measure the earnings quality, which is used as a dependent variable in a regression model with panel data for fixed and random effects. Basel Index (BI) was used, as an independent variable, as a proxy for financial resilience.
Originality/Relevance: Analyzing the relationship between profit and resilience is original and relevant for providing insights into the reliability of the financial stability proxy of Brazilian banks, in contrast to the quality of accounting information.
Results: One of the regressions returned a negative and significant relationship between the Basel Index and LLP. The conclusion is that there is an inverse relationship between resilience and management, configuring evidence of the informational quality of the financial stability index.
Theoretical/Methodological contributions: The literature on accounting informational quality attests to banks' financial resilience as a reliable measure for many users.
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