Determinants of Restatements in Financial Statements of Brazilian Publicly Traded Companies




Accounting Information Quality, Timeliness, SFS Restatement


Objective: Under the context of the importance accounting information quality for its users, this study aimed to point out possible determinants for the Standardized Financial Statements (SFS) restatement of Brazilian publicly traded companies.

Method: From 2010 to 2016, we used correlation test, mean difference test and logistic regression with panel data.

Originality/Relevance: The study opportunity considered the existence of contradictory results in national and international studies, which present not recent temporal analysis, observation of too few determinants concomitantly, and methods of descriptive character for analysis.

Results: The results showed that the main determinants of the restatement of SFS are: being audit by Big Four; companies with debt; audit rotation; industry; size and tenure. It was also found that older companies have lower chances of restatement. There are indications of a negative relationship between restatement and the issuance of ADRs, but positive with the listing at the differentiated levels of corporate governance.

Theoretical/Methodological contributions: In general, it was observed that the possible controls that might be adopted by companies to reduce conflicts of interest, information asymmetry and agency costs are not presented as able of preventing the restatement of SFS. These findings help in the indication of variables that can be included in valuation, so that the market can incorporate in its estimates factors that indicate companies more likely to restatement, therefore with uncertainty in the reliability of their results disclosed, and also assist in monitoring policies by regulatory bodies regarding the restatement of SFS.


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Author Biography

Paula Carolina Ciampaglia Nardi, FEARP/USP

Docente do Departamento de Ciências Contábeis da FEARP-USP


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How to Cite

Huang, C., & Nardi, P. C. C. (2020). Determinants of Restatements in Financial Statements of Brazilian Publicly Traded Companies. Journal of Accounting, Management and Governance, 23(2), 159–178.



Scientific Article (Private and Third Sector Management & Accounting)