Pricing Practices and Relationship Performance in Franchising: Study in the Food Service Sector
Franchise, Pricing Practices, Conflicts, Interorganizational Fairness, Long-Term OrientationAbstract
Objective: The study aims to identify pricing practices in Brazilian franchises and their interaction with the franchisor-franchisee relationship performance, represented by conflicts, perception of interorganizational fairness, and the franchisees’ long-term orientation.
Method: Data were collected through interviews with franchisees of Brazilian franchises and subjected to content analysis.
Originality/Relevance: This study contributes by investigating fairness in franchises located in Brazil, highlighting that, in this context, other aspects have a greater effect on relationship performance compared to studies in other countries. Franchisors should pay attention to the asymmetry of risks and rewards and create collaborative environments for franchise development.
Results: Direct pricing prevails, serving to standardize prices and avoid internal competition. An asymmetry of risks and rewards is revealed, conflicts occur due to operational issues, and the long-term orientation is driven by financial performance and franchisees’ aspirations. Although the implication of pricing on relationship performance is not confirmed, cooperative pricing emerges as an option in smaller franchises.
Theoretical/Methodological contributions: This study expands knowledge on interorganizational fairness, highlights pricing practices in Brazilian franchises, and analyzes their interaction with relationship performance in terms of conflicts, fairness, and the franchisees’ long-term orientation.
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