Economic and financial factors and characteristics that influence the timeliness of public-sector accounting information in municipalities in Minas Gerais
Timeliness , Summary Reports of Budget Execution, Stakeholders, Public AccountingAbstract
Objective: The present study identifies the elements that can influence the timeliness of public sector accounting information, using as proxy the approval of the Summary Reports of Budget Execution (RREO).
Method: Financial, demographic, and internet access data were collected for all 853 municipalities in the state of Minas Gerais for 2019. The data were treated through count data regression using the negative binomial model.
Originality/Relevance: While timeliness allows making informed data available in time to influence decision-making, the literature is still scarce in unveiling the aspects that can influence public-sector timeliness.
Results: Results show that current revenues and public spending in personnel, education, health, and security can positively influence the timeliness of RREO approval.
Theoretical/Methodological contributions: Accounting is not widely used as an object of analysis by stakeholder theory, even though stakeholders are frequently addressed in accounting publications. The literature still lacks more in-depth investigations on the topic, especially in municipal contexts.
Social/Management contributions: This study provides evidence on how higher investments in education, health, and security, as well as current revenue and personnel spending, tend to influence increased timeliness.
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