Uncovering the Influence of the Fiscal Responsibility Law in the Brazilian States: Inferences regarding debt sustainability, the efficiency of personnel spending and responsible fiscal management
Fiscal Responsibility Law, Responsible Fiscal Management, Panel Regression, Personnel Expenses, Sustainable DebtAbstract
Objective: To verify whether the Fiscal Responsibility Law (FRL) influenced the behavior of personnel expenses in Brazilian
States and responsible fiscal management.
Method: The research has a quantitative evaluation approach using the panel data regression model.
Originality/Relevance: The study's relevance lies in investigating the FRL as an effective tool for responsible fiscal management and the significant implications for understanding and improving public policies related to fiscal responsibility. The study's originality stands out due to the use of two variables that, according to the TCU, are essential to guarantee responsible fiscal management: Debt sustainability and the efficiency of
personnel spending.
Results: The results highlight that the FRL advanced Brazil's fiscal rules and influenced the fiscal management of Brazilian States in several ways, such as the introduction of fiscal rules that include personnel expense limits. It is possible to observe that the FRL exerted a significant influence in promoting responsible fiscal management.
Theoretical/Methodological contributions: The theoretical contributions relate to the theory of public finances. Through the study, it is possible to ratify the neoclassical and Keynesian interpretations that explain the growth in public expenditures and form a basis for understanding that personnel expenditure
influences the responsible fiscal management of States.
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