ESG Diversity and Inclusion in the Most Sustainable Companies on the Brazilian Stock Exchange
ESG, Diversity and Inclusion, Sustainability, Investments, ISEAbstract
Objective: Evaluation of the ESG framework in the diversity and organizational inclusion (D&I) of publicly traded companies considered as references in sustainability in Brazil and their prospects for future advances in this sphere.
Method: Documentary and time trend analysis of indicators from the Sustainability Reports of 45 companies in the Corporate Sustainability Index of the Brazilian Stock Exchange in 2022 (ISE 2022) considering data from 2019 to 2021. The five dimensions of identity of D&I were analyzed: Gender, Age, Racial, LGBTQIA+ and Disabilities, totaling 9.380 notes.
Originality/Relevance: ESG has dominated sustainable investments in Brazil and seems to impact diversity and corporate inclusion. However,there are no in-depth studies on this topic. This research aims to fill this
gap, highlighting the ESG agenda as a catalyst for pro-diversity organizational actions. Despite the demographic diversity of Brazil, this is not reflected in the business environment, perpetuating setbacks and
Results: The analysis revealed annual advances in the current panorama and future perspectives, indicating that organizations are more diverse and inclusive. However, there is still a long way to go for the labour force to represent the country’s demography.
Theoretical/Methodological contributions: The ESG agenda has
positively impacted organizational diversity and inclusion. This study provides subsidies to deepen the analysis of D&I in companies with ESG strategies, indicating that the most competitive companies will be those that adopt ESG and D&I practices.
Keywords: ESG, diversity and inclusion, sustainability, investments, ISE.
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