Unraveling Business Communication Strategies: Readability, Results Management, and Tone Management





Earnings management, print management, readability, Reference Form, 20-F Form


Objective: This work aims to analyze the relationship between Print Management, Results Management and the readability of Reference Forms and Forms 20-F disclosed by Brazilian companies with American Depositary Receipts (ADR) in the period from 2015 to 2019.

Method: The study uses an empirical approach, applying quantitative scientific methods of descriptive statistics, correlation and regression to examine data collected from business documents.

Originality/Relevance: This study fills a theoretical gap by exploring the intersection between Print Management, Output Management and enterprise document readability. The academic relevance lies in the deeper understanding of strategic communication practices adopted by companies.

Results: The main results indicate that Tone Management have an impact on the readability of Reference Forms. Readability manipulation strategies, such as changing syntactic complexity, are employed to influence readers' perceptions.

Theoretical/Methodological contributions: Theoretical implications of this study include improved understanding of readability manipulation strategies and their impact on readers' perceptions. The study highlights the importance of simultaneously considering Impression Management and Results Management when analyzing the Readability of corporate reports.


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How to Cite

Pain, P., Vendruscolo, M. I., Bianchi, M., Rigoni, B. O. P., & Maria, M. M. L. (2024). Unraveling Business Communication Strategies: Readability, Results Management, and Tone Management. Journal of Accounting, Management and Governance, 27(1), 01–29. https://doi.org/10.51341/cgg.v27i1.3139



Scientific Article (Private and Third Sector Management & Accounting)