Editorial Issue - May/August 2022


  • Rodrigo de Souza Gonçalves
  • Andrea de Oliveira Gonçalves


By delivering another issue in 2022, we deliver the result of countless efforts by the entire academic community committed to this journal. Producing and disseminating knowledge requires dedicated actions so that the result of production is socialized. It deals with a process that imposes devotion on the part of authors and reviewers who have part of their concerns in organizing works of academic quality that go beyond the journal's platform. This journal, more than participating in several indexes, has a noble concern, how to open paths for the dissemination of production in the field at an international level. That is why we are increasingly careful in the selection of papers that bear the methodological and theoretical mark in a rigorous way.

Thus, we selected for this issue, 06 original papers distributed in the 2 sections of this journal.

The first paper in the section - Management and Accounting of Private & Third Sector Companies - “Sustainability Sensitivity to Cooperativism and Corporate Governance” seeks to fill an important gap in the area of cooperativism by analyzing sustainability and corporate governance. From the perception of 104 agents who work in corporate governance bodies in cooperatives in the South Region of Brazil, the research presents important evidence. Such findings are related to the positive influence between corporate governance and sustainability; the positive influence of cooperative principles and values on sustainability; and the positive association between corporate governance and sustainability becomes more accentuated by the practice of cooperative principles and values. It is important to highlight that the cooperatives that have a perception of greater sensitivity to issues of a socio-environmental nature have more robust governance mechanisms, which may suggest learning for companies in other segments of activity as a way to improve their internal environment in terms of to governance.

The paper “The Impact of ESG on the Value and Cost of Capital of Companies” brings new results to a widely debated area. It deals here with the contribution of ESG actions to the value and cost of capital. The researchers analyzed a sample of 163 Brazilian companies between 2010 and 2020, and found that “on average, for each increase of 1 ESG score, there is a 0.35% increase in company value (QTOB)”, while from the perspective of of the cost of capital “on average, for each increase of 1 ESG score, there is an increase of 0.4% and 0.6%”.

Through a survey of 107 professionals who work in the areas of sales, supply chain, logistics and controllership, the paper “Use of Control Mechanisms and Collaborative Performance: Effects of Relational Risk and Trust” analyzed “the mediating effect of relational risk and confidence in the relationship between the use of control mechanisms and the collaborative performance between auto parts manufacturers and vehicle assemblers”. The results indicate that there are “three solutions that provide greater collaborative performance: control mechanisms associated with trust; control mechanisms in environments with no relational risk; and presence of asset specificity in relationships with relational risk”. The results of this study bring practical implications in the management area as they point out relevant aspects in relational risk management and control mechanisms as this can be used to improve collaborative performance, an aspect so desired by organizations.

Finally, the last paper in this section analyzed the profile of scientific publications on cooperatives. The authors selected 103 papers in the period from 2010 to 2019 and the robust application of the unsupervised classification method, the results reveal that around 70% of the subjects addressed the theme of managerial accounting and the Other 30%, financial accounting. This result has important implications as the main contribution of academic studies focused on cooperatives (in the case of the sample, they mainly concern credit or agricultural cooperatives) are focused on improving management practices, which normally represent part of the weaknesses in their management system of these organizations. Other important results can be seen throughout the text of the paper entitled “The Profile of Scientific Publications on Cooperatives and Accounting: In the Light of Unsupervised Classification”.

The Management and Public Accounting section presents 2 paper. “Public Governance: a Systematic Review of its Application to Public Entities” presents, through a systematic review, an overview of the state of the art on the application of governance” in the public sector. The results are surprising as they indicate a lack of knowledge of the entities analyzed about the concepts of public governance, while there is “excessive concern with complying with legal aspects. Another very relevant aspect is the lack of continuity with regard to projects in progress when there is a change in management, demonstrating the lack of commitment of public managers to medium and long-term actions, an aspect well known by the Brazilian population.

The second paper in the section, “Efficiency of Health Expenditures in the Brazilian States”, performs a cluster analysis using data envelopment analysis. The purpose of the text is to bring to the reader the verification of the efficiency of health expenditures in the 27 units of the Brazilian federation in the period from 2015 to 2018. It is a relevant research as it presents ways about the efficiency in the allocation of results in an extremely important area for Brazilian society, which is health. From the analysis carried out, only the states of Maranhão, Minas Gerais and São Paulo present efficiency according to the tested model (CRS). Still in the analysis of the states of cluster 1, the Federal District, despite having one of the highest averages of per capita expenditure, is the federation unit that presented the worst results throughout the analyzed period, reinforcing the fact that if the allocation of financial resources is not accompanied by factors such as the quality of public spending, it does not result in improvements for publication.

For our part, as editors, we want the texts to be inspiring and to provoke good academic reflections.

Good reading,


The editors.

Rodrigo de Souza Goncalves

Andrea de Oliveira Gonçalves


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How to Cite

Gonçalves, R. de S., & Gonçalves, A. de O. (2022). Editorial Issue - May/August 2022. Journal of Accounting, Management and Governance, 25(2). Retrieved from https://revistacgg.org/index.php/contabil/article/view/2999


