Relationship between Academic Motivation and Perceived Stress: a study with Accounting Science Students
Motivation, Stress, Students, Accounting SciencesAbstract
Objective: to investigate the relationship between academic motivation and perceived stress in undergraduate Accounting students.
Method: a questionnaire was applied to students of the Accounting Sciences course at a Brazilian public institution, a sample of 404 respondents was obtained. The questionnaire included the Academic Motivation Scale, which was analyzed from the factor analysis, making it possible to identify the motivational factors and the Perceived Stress Scale, which made it possible to identify a stress score that was separated in four levels. To test the investigated relationship, a linear regression model was used, which considered the motivational factors and stress scores.
Originality/Relevance: the study relates stress and motivation, two variables that have already been identified as factors that can affect the academic trajectory, but had been investigated in Accounting courses in isolation.
Results: there was a straight relationship among stress and demotivation and two groups of extrinsic motivation (introjected motivation and identified motivation) and in contrast, an inverse relationship with intrinsic motivation was identified. In addition to it, a higher level of stress was identified in female students.
Theoretical/Methodological contributions: the study brings contributions by showing that motivation, depending on its kind, can positively or negatively affect Accounting students’ stress level. Thus, when considering the characteristics of each motivational group, it is understood that the research findings corroborate the Theory of Self-determination and previous studies, and emphasize the importance of monitoring students during graduation.
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