About the Journal

The Journal of Accounting, Management and Governance (JAMG) was created in 2009 as a result of the partnership between the Multi-institutional and Inter-regional post graduate program in Accounting, maintained by the University of Brasília, Federal University of Paraíba and Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and the post graduate program in Business Administration at the University of Brasília. The goal was to encourage the dissemination of knowledge and governance of public, private and third sector organizations, developed by national researchers.

Currently, CGG is linked to the University of Brasília and is a generalist journal that receives empirical texts and theoretical essays in the area of ​​administration and accounting. There is no privilege for specific theoretical or methodological contributions.

It is important that the text be relevant, that is, that it contributes to the advancement of scientific knowledge and/or practical application, and that it be written with scientific rigor.

The Journal is divided into two sections:

  • Management and Accounting for Private Companies & the Third Sector: accepts articles on strategy and economics of companies and the third sector; controllership; managerial accounting and finance; financial, credit and capital markets; actuarial; accounting for external users; corporate governance; marketing; innovation; entrepreneurship; technological management; quality, productivity, people management, teaching and research in management and accounting for companies and the third sector, and emerging themes in accounting and management.


  • Governmental Accounting and Management: accepts articles on governmental accounting and administration; teaching and research in governmental accounting and administration; society and state; public governance, social management; social movements; public policies; and emerging topics in governmental accounting and/or administration.

CGG is a peer-reviewed journal, registered under ISSN 1984-3925, published exclusively online, and with free and open access to the full text, in order to allow the rapid and wide dissemination of the knowledge produced.        

It is classified as A3 in the Qualis Periodicals (2017-2020) in the area of Public and Business Administration, Accounting and Tourism.


History of the Journal of Accounting, Management and Governance (JAMG)

The journal UnB Contábil circulated from 1998 to 2007 in print form, and in 2008 began publishing exclusively online. The editions of UnB Contábil were published biannually and without interruption until 2008, when they were discontinued. Its numbers are digitally preserved as institutional history, with the full texts available on this site in the menu previous editions. 

Succeeding the former journal UnB Contábil, the Revista Contabilidade, Gestão e Governança (CGG) was created in 2009, as the result of a partnership between the Multi-institutional and Interregional post graduate program in Accounting, maintained by the University of Brasília, the Federal University of Paraíba and the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, and the post graduate program in Administration of the University of Brasília.

The change made it possible to broaden the scope covered by the journal, which from that moment on also contemplated management and governance, in addition to accounting, which was previously covered, strengthening the interdisciplinary aspect. In addition, the journal is now published on a four-monthly basis and receives article submissions online.

In 2010, aiming to enhance the dissemination of the published contents, CGG was indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Along the same lines, later the journal was also included in SPELL (2012) and Latindex (2013).

In 2016 CGG became a journal with a broader reach in the areas of accounting and management, publishing articles that covered topics coming from business administration, public administration, and finance.

In the same year, in order to speed up the editorial flow, the journal adopted the communication process exclusively via the OJS system, offering the first evaluation feedback within three months. In addition, CGG began implementing the DOI in all published articles and was included in OpenAire, an indexer from Europe.

In 2017 CGG started to adopt the Plagius software for checking similarity in the submitted articles and implemented grammatical revision in Portuguese and English, in addition to formatting following the APA standards. As for indexing, the Journal was included in Redib (Spain).

The following year, in 2018, aiming to further professionalize the publication, CGG started to require ORCID from authors. In addition, the Journal was included in Diadorim and indexed in Web of Science, an important international multidisciplinary database.

In order to widen internationalization, in 2019 CGG provided the translation of its website into English language and adjusted the guidelines for authors, also requesting the translation of submitted articles. In this way, the journal began to publish in the bilingual format, making available the full texts of articles in Portuguese and English. Along the same line, in 2020 an adjustment was made in the DOI prefix, aiming to bring more stability to the articles.

In 2022, in order to guarantee the reliability of the information of the journal available in the different spaces where it is indexed, a check and update of all the databases, catalogs and directories of which CGG is part of was carried out. Planning has also been done to apply for indexing in new international databases. Also this year, CGG joined the Capes Periodical Portal and was ranked as the 8th journal with the highest impact in the accounting area in Brazil, according to SPELL.

Editors in the history of the Journal:

César Augusto Tibúrcio Silva (2009-2010)
Jorge Katsumi Niyama (2011-2014)
Janann Joslin Medeiros (2014-2015)
Rafael Barreiros Porto (2016-2020)
Rodrigo de Souza Gonçalves (2021 - current)
Andrea de Oliveira Gonçalves (2021- current)